Interactive map of historic and current locations
View all the historic orchards we've found mapped in Luton on this map. This includes those that have been lost and those that exist today.
View all the historic orchards we've found mapped in Luton on this map. This includes those that have been lost and those that exist today.
The map will take some time to load - please be patient
The map will take some time to load - please be patient
How to use the map
How to use the map
Click on 'Layers & Legend'. This will open a list of tickboxes. You can choose to see the orchards we identified on each period of OS map. Traditional_Orchards_HAP is the most recent data of orchards that we've listed with Natural England's habitat inventory.
You can also toggle the basemap UK_Great_Britain_Ordnance_Survey on and off. If you untick it, you will see a Bing streetmap of today.