Henge Farm orchard
This orchard is sadly overgrown. As part of the Henge Farm project, local volunteers planted fruit trees in 2015. The project experienced setbacks, so the site is currently abandoned. Around 6 trees remain, shaded within the woodland near Underwood Close.
Number of trees: 6 approx.
Age of trees: young trees
Crops grown: apples, possibly others
Area: Bramingham/Northwell border
Access: land status uncertain, likely private
Planted by the Marsh Farm Outreach (MFO) project and Greensand Ridge CIC in 2015 as part of the Henge Farm community farm project. Sadly, the project experienced setbacks and the orchard is now overgrown. You can read more on the Henge Farm Facebook page.
This article from 2 November 2023 from the University of Cambridge Judge Business School explains that:
'...MFO created the Bottom-up Development (BUD) programme for adult education, which received funding from North Luton Community Learning College for a five-day course designed to showcase the principles of bottom-up community economic development. MFO converted a neglected two-acre area into a community garden featuring elevated vegetable plots, beehives, and an orchard with more than 100 fruit trees. Other MFO projects included creation of a local catering team, IT support, and creation of a health and safety committee.'
Types of crop and known cultivars at this orchard
Heritage varieties of apples were planted, but we currently do not know what remains.
Maintenance and pruning
Since the setback the trees have largely been left to themselves. Some formative pruning could help the trees develop a stronger shape, but they're struggling for light due to the encroaching woodland.