Checking for remnants of old orchards in Luton

As a last step in our search, we asked volunteers to check the promising historical orchard locations to see if there are still fruit trees. Read on for more about groundtruthing. 

Groundtruthing is a fancy word for checking a location in person. In our instance, we wanted to know if there were remnants of old orchards left in Luton.

To survey a location, volunteers: 

Shortlist  of 34 promising locations with results - although some still need checking

These historical locations within Luton were graded as 'promising'

Over the spring and summer of 2024, we asked people to help us check if there are still fruit trees at these location today. So far our ground truthers are: David M, Gill O, Laura C, Konni D, David L, Darshini MP and Pam F. You can still get involved - read on for instructions

Last udpated on: 7 October 2024: locations  that still need checking are now highlighted in yellow on the map

Key to colours: 

Key to Orchard ID codes:

18 locations just outside the Luton town boundary

These locations are currently outside the scope of the search. But if you're interested, here they are!

Promising locations map 

Instructions for groundtruthing

You can still help us check for remaining orchards at the locations that were historically mapped as orchards

How to report your result

Use the online reporting form or download the paper form. Alternatively, contact